Photo by michaelshapiro.net
Traveler | Writer | Marketer
Jacqueline Yau is a romantic adventurer, or you could say an adventurous romantic, whose writing ranges from travel to humor, to romance and poignant essays. Her work has appeared in Inspirato and Ensemble Lifestyles magazines, and Travelers’ Tales anthologies, including Travelers’ Tales China. She’s a regular contributor to the annual Travel Guide to California.
She is a founding member of Townsend 11, a collective of eleven Northern California writers who meet monthly in a converted brick warehouse on Townsend Street in San Francisco. They have published three anthologies.
For Writing Romance, a guide to the craft and business of writing romance, she penned marketing pieces on branding and another on building word-of-mouth buzz.
She’s worked in marketing and brand management at consumer, nonprofit and high-tech organizations such as TiVo, RealNames and Nestlé USA and as an access cable TV host and news reporter for Hawaii Public Radio. Previously, she facilitated a peer advisory group for women-owned companies generating at least $2 million per year for the National Association of Women Business Owners of San Francisco Bay Area.
Jacqueline currently works for Stanford University Medical Center Development, focused on providing stewardship and an integrated approach to donor engagement for Stanford Medicine. For almost a decade, she’s spearheaded strategic initiatives for Parents’ Choice Foundation, the nation’s oldest and most respected nonprofit guide to quality children’s media and toys. In 2007, she established ZiZo Consulting, a boutique marketing strategy firm serving the needs of San Francisco Bay Area organizations. She lives in Sonoma County, California, with her husband, where they enjoy hiking and biking the wine country’s backroads and traveling.