Age-Defying Benefits of Exercise
Confessions of a Tour de France Junkie
e-Book series
West Hollywood: Tastes for Every Palate. View my article on West Hollywood and its dining scene in DREAMSCAPES Travel & Lifestyles magazine 2015 Fall/Winter Issue (page 30).
A Design and Fashion Mecca. Read about West Hollywood’s design and fashion quarter in DREAMSCAPES Travel & Lifestyles magazine 2016 Winter/Spring Issue (page 14).
Eternal Tourist in San Francisco. View my article on San Francisco in Ensemble Lifestyles Winter 2015 digital edition.
The 2016 Travel Guide to California provides travelers to the Golden State with detailed road map of all of the information they need to enrich and enjoy their trip. I’ve contributed articles from 2011-2016.
View my articles in the print and digital editions on the Movie Business (pages 46-48), Los Angeles County (pages 86-90 or here), West Hollywood (pages 92-94), and LA Waterfront (page 96).
I contributed two articles for Writing Romance: The Ultimate Guide on Craft, Creation and Industry Connections, a definitive reference for romance writers and applicable to other mass market fiction genres. My articles covered marketing concepts: Building Buzz: Word-of-Mouth Marketing and Branding Basics: The Brand Called You!
Available in these formats: trade paperback, iTunes, Kindle, Kobo, Nook